Orchestral Casual Assessments

Open orchestral casual positions and general information about the ASO’s Casual Assessments.

Expression of Interest – Casual Auditions

The Adelaide Symphony Orchestra holds regular casual auditions, for musicians interested in being added to our list of casual players.

To express your interest in auditioning for casual work with the ASO, please email orchestramanagement@aso.com.au with the following details:
– Full Name
– Email Address
– Contact Number
– Instrument
– Working Rights (Australian or NZ citizen, Australian Permanent resident or Working visa)
– CV/resume attached

There are no set dates for casual auditions. Casual auditions will be held at mutually suitable times throughout the year. We will hold your application on file and contact you ahead of the next round of casual auditions.

Please note that you must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, permanent resident or have a valid working visa (we may ask you to provide proof if required).

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