Jackie Newcomb
- Time at ASO 16 years
- Instrument Bassoon
- Position Principal - Contrabassoon

Originally from Sydney, Jackie Newcomb is currently Principal Contrabassoon with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, a position she has held since 2009.
Jackie has performed with most of Australia’s major symphony orchestras including the Sydney, Queensland, Melbourne, and Tasmanian Symphony Orchestras, as well as the Australian Chamber Orchestra. As part of her busy schedule, Jackie performs regularly with various chamber ensembles on both modern and historical bassoon. As a founding member of Unholy Rackett and The Adam Page Ensemble (TAPE), Jackie enjoys exploring performances of an eclectic range of music.
Her interest in music education has seen Jackie involved in tutoring for the Australian Youth Orchestra National Music Camp, Adelaide Youth Orchestra, Southern Cross Soloists Winter Music School and Southern Cross Soloists teaching residency at the National University of Singapore in 2012. In 2019 Jackie will graduate with a PhD from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music researching historically informed performance practice for the Renaissance bassoon.
Jackie is supported by Norman Etherington AM, in memory of Peggy Brock AM via our Musical Chairs program.